In doing so, we look back at history and biographies, shaped by the Shoah, in order to gain a clear view of anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism today. We shape the future through German-Israeli exchange and joint educational projects with Jewish partners.
Schools are the ideal place to create direct contact between Shoah survivors and young people.
You are a student and want to learn more about anti-Semitism, the Holocaust or the Middle East conflict? We make personal connections.
You want to actively shape the future and make history yourself? With Witnesses of the Witnesses you can stand up for the future and shape our work.
The implementation of meetings and projects requires resources - we are happy if you support us financially and thus make our work possible!
Get out of the unimaginativeness! Sending students to concentration camp memorials is not enough. A stay in a kibbutz in Israel as a student weakens the anti-Semitism virus in the long term. It depathologizes. Israel in the school curriculum must not be reduced to the Middle East conflict, just as Judaism must not be reduced to the Holocaust. I am pleased about the work of Witnesses of the Time, which has understood exactly that and wish much success in the multiplication of educational activities.
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