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Contemporary witness encounter at your school

A great concern of ours is the cooperation with schools, because this way we can establish a direct contact of Shoah survivors and their families to young people and furthermore inform and get into conversation about topics like Judaism and Israel. If you would also like to invite contemporary witnesses to your school or start a longer project, please contact us via this form. Please note the necessary lead time of 4 to 6 months for a successful educational project.

We will be happy to support you!

IMPORTANT NOTE for the year 2021
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, due to the current pandemic situation, we can currently only accept requests to work with children and grandchildren of contemporary witnesses or virtually. As soon as the situation has eased, you can contact us. You are also welcome to use our interviews for your lessons, which are available on our YouTube channel. We will be happy to advise you on the best way to use them. We ask for your understanding and wish you good health in these times! Your team of witnesses of the witnesses (Zeugen der Zeitzeugen)
Important general note
Since most of the Shoah survivors are now over 80 years old, the trips are unreasonable for most of them due to their age. Therefore, we understand contemporary witness encounters to include reports by their children and grandchildren from their own family history. Through these personal accounts, it becomes clear to students how traumas are inherited and how anti-Semitism continues to have an effect after 1945. In addition, we can visit your school / educational institution with our volunteers in order to make the topics mentioned below tangible and understandable for learners in the form of workshops. We ask for your understanding for this unstoppable development and would be pleased if you contact us also for new formats.

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